The Kuvasz is a large dog. Males range from 26″ to 30″ at the shoulder, weighing about 95-115 lbs, or more. Females range from 24″ to 28″ in height and weigh an average of 70 to 90 lbs.
The coat is called a double coat with a thick, soft undercoat and a medium coarse outer coat. The coat may range from quite wavy to straight, but has a definite pattern of distribution across the body regardless of coat type. White is the only accepted color. However, one must realize that there are many shades of white, from pure white to endless shades of light cream.
One of the most beautiful features of the Kuvasz is its gorgeous face. Ideally the eyes, nose, skin and nails should be as dark as possible.
The average lifespan of the breed is about ten years-old, with some dogs living to age fourteen or so.
One of the most asked questions is how the Kuvasz compares to the Great Pyrenees
They were bred for the same purpose so they have many similarities.
The Pyr is a little heavier boned and has double dewclaws on the rear feet. The head of the Pyr is a little broader, muzzle a little deeper. The ears on the Pyr are set lower than the Kuvasz so that they blend into the mane of the Pyr. The Kuvasz’ ears are set higher so that they frame the face when alert. The Kuvasz generally has a tighter mouth without a tendency to drool. The Great Pyrenees can have other colors in its coat besides white.
The new Kuvasz owner will be surprised at how much attention the dogs attract. These gorgeous white dogs are rare in all parts of the country and are show stoppers. People will stop and ask questions about the breed everywhere they go.
The Kuvasz is a prolific shedder!
A Kuvsaz in the home means there will always be hair everywhere. Even when it’s not shedding season, their fine undercoat will be found on clothes, furniture, and carpets everywhere. Fastidious people (and those who wear a lot of black) may have a problem with the shedding.
The Kuvasz owner needs a good vacuum cleaner and a great sense of humor! (see more about shedding here.)
Correct Hungarian type?
This is what the Kuvasz looked like in Hungary in 1966. You be the judge!

Kuvasz in Hungary; circa 1966