Pretty Kuvasz puppy faces, Sound Kuvasz Puppy Conformation, and Superb Kuvasz Puppy Temperaments!
We strive to breed the healthiest Kuvasz puppies possible by health testing the parents. We also take into consideration the health of the grandparents as well as the health of the litter mates of the parents and grandparents.
Much of breeding is making educated guesses, but we utilize technology whenever we can. The Orthopedic Foundation for Animals database is an excellent tool in researching the parentage of any litter under consideration. has a searchable database. Enter the name of a parent in the search field. When their information comes up, click on the name and all of the health data for that dog will be there for viewing as well as the health data for close relatives.
Pet/Companion Kuvasz puppies are sold on a mandatory spay/neuter agreement
Current credible research shows that puppies spayed after 1 year old have fewer health problems and live longer than puppies spayed early.
Show quality Kuvasz puppies are sold on a co-ownership until their championships are completed, then we sign off.
No Double Ring Kuvasz dogs or bitches will be bred until they have passed at least the MINIMUM official health clearances; OFA hip, elbow & thyroid certification.
In addition it is important to know the genetic status of any breeding dogs regarding PRA. PRA is a genetic test. Dogs to be bred can be clear or carriers, but carriers must be bred to clear mates.
Any Double Ring Kuvasz puppy that cannot be kept by their owners for any reason—regardless of the dog’s age— must be returned to us. We bring them into the world, and we assume responsibility for providing them with homes for life.

Faith, a Double Ring Kuvasz puppy. Faith is owned by Amanda Greer in Michigan.
All Double Ring Kuvasz puppies are raised in the home.
They are socialized with adult dogs, grandchildren, and visitors.
Puppies are handled daily from birth including daily gentle massaging, providing different surfaces for them to feel and explore. Touching, handling and exposing the young puppies to a large variety of stimulating activities at the proper stages of early life is imperative for the mental health and future emotional well-being of the puppy. We have found that puppies handled this way are more bonded to humans, and have more confident temperaments.
Socialization & Learning

Sera, as a puppy
Double Ring Kuvasz puppies are raised with lots of stimulation and attention. Each week of their development is monitored and various new experiences are introduced, based on their level of development.
At the right time, we introduce loud noises and a variety of items for them to investigate. The vacuum sweeper; dish washer; dog food pans clattering to the floor; slamming doors; Saturday morning cartoons (as loud as we can stand them); and a noise CD that includes lawn mowers, drills, babies crying, children playing, thunder, fireworks, etc.; all become normal noise for our puppies.
As our Kuvasz puppies mature, we introduce them to new people, new locations to investigate in the house and property, and finally, we take them along with us to the big training room in town where Chuck teaches obedience and conformation training classes. There they get exposure to all kinds of adults, children and other dogs of all sizes and breeds.

Puppy at play
Our indoor playpen includes some toddler toys that are excellent for problem solving and eye/paw coordination. Our outside puppy play yard has some toddler toys that make great puppy play items. One of the items is a small play gym with a slide. Some of our puppies have actually figured out how to get up there and go down the slide! All of the items are not just there for puppy entertainment. The play equipment helps the puppies practice their agility and problem-solving skills.
On our agenda for a future purchase is one of the plastic mini-cabins for kids. We think our kuvasz puppies will love that!
Puppies must grow up in a clean environment or they can be very difficult to housebreak.
Our Double Ring puppies are extremely easy to housebreak because we start potty training them at 4 weeks old by providing a litter pan for their use. Yes a litter pan! The litter pan is covered in a pelleted equine bedding material that falls apart when it gets wet.
We really do not have to do anything to teach the puppies to use the pan, they want to be clean and they begin using it on their own. When puppies go to their new homes we try to provide a small bag of the pellets to be placed outside in the preferred potty area. It does not take very many trips for the puppies to figure out that is their new “spot”.
Puppies need to be taken out to potty as soon as they wake up, right after eating and then every 30 minutes (approx.) during play time. As the puppy gets older the time can be extended. During night time puppies are usually capable of holding it for their age in months plus 1. A 2 month old puppy can go approximately 3 hours (or less). The older they get the longer they can go.
Our Kuvasz puppies regularly get our personalized individual time, as well as special group time with us.
We introduce them to other adult dogs besides their mom. We affectionately call the old girls who interact with puppies their “Aunt Grandmas.”
Temperament Testing
At seven weeks old, we do temperament testing. We use the temperament test designed for livestock guarding dogs. It is not a Pass or Fail test. It is simply an indicator of each puppy’s propensity in various areas.
Some of the scores can help us determine how well suited a puppy would be to any given home.
For example, we would not allow a puppy with a low pain threshold go to a home with small children. Children should be expected to treat a puppy/dog with respect, but a puppy/dog should be able to tolerate and forgive being accidentally stepped on, or have its hair pulled by a small child.

Double Ring Kuvasz puppies out for some fresh air, sunshine and exploration!