Oz (shown here handled by owner, Johnny Bridges) going BOS BEST of OPPOSITE SEX – WINNERS (Asheville KC)
BORN: April 16, 2001
Owner: John H Bridges, Flowery Branch, GA
Breeder: Ivan Miller, Katherine Ringering & Robin Miller.
Official Health Records
KU-1184G46M-PI HIPS Feb 16 2005 Mar 4 2005 46 GOOD
KU-EL197M46-PI ELBOW Feb 16 2005 Mar 4 2005 46 NORMAL
KU-TH138/75M-PI THYROID Aug 14 2007 Aug 29 2007 75 NORMAL
See his official OFA page here
Oz’s Travels by his owner, Johnny Bridges
Oz is actually a pet/companion who’s allowed to go to dog shows now and again, so we travel together a fair amount.
I use a mini-van to haul the crates, show tack, grooming table, and the like. I normally travel in sloppy clothes, so we stop at rural gas stations and 7/11 fairly frequently for gas and meal materials, which we eat at the next freeway rest area.
When I leave the car to go inside and pay, Oz will normally sit in the driver’s seat. It’s warm there… and in his mind, it’s where his missing master was last. When he does this, his head is exactly where the driver’s head would be. And from outside the car, it looks as if he’s going to drive!
Since “Big White Dogs” aren’t real common in the hinterlands in which we travel, Oz (especially when sitting in the driver’s seat) normally attracts one, or more, observers while he’s waiting for me to return to the car. When he sees me, of course his ears perk up and he becomes quite attentive.
So, I normally walk up to the car and before Oz can react… or the local admirers can get started with the usual questions such as “What kind of dog…” and “Does he bite…? etc.
I give Oz a stern glare followed by a loud, “NO, you may NOT drive. You know your license was lifted when you bit that cop!”
If I time it properly, just as I finish, he will slowly move over to the passenger’s seat and sit down.
And, believe it or not, a certain number of the bystanders buy the entire premise; hook, line, and sinker!
It’s great fun, and Oz enjoys it as much as I do!
read a Tribute to Oz here

Oz- always busy teaching the young pups about the world.